Digital Marketing Consulting Services

The Internet has changed the way that dental practices market themselves to the public. Taking advantage of social media and other digital marketing opportunities is imperative to reaching new patients. Dr. Edward J. Zuckerberg offers digital marketing consulting services to dental professionals to help them grow their practices and improve the relationships that they have with their existing patients. He has over 30 years of experience practicing dentistry and has been at the forefront of integrating new technology throughout his career. His expertise in social media and online marketing has helped countless practices succeed and reach new audiences.

Dr. Edward J. Zuckerberg
Dr. Zuckerberg has unique insight into social media marketing and can help you grow your practice with targeted analysis.

Building an Online Presence

While word of mouth and referrals are still the strongest forms of endorsement for a dentist, more patients are performing searches to find new doctors or verify information that they received from a friend. In order to successfully convert these searches into new patients, it is essential to have a current and functioning website as part of your greater online profile that includes social media, professional directories, and review websites such as Yelp.

While word of mouth and referrals are still the strongest forms of endorsement for a dentist, more patients are performing searches to find new doctors or verify information that they received from a friend. 

Dr. Zuckerberg stresses the importance of online reputation management for individuals and practices through his consulting work, speaking engagements, and written articles. He will also advise your practice on how to focus your marketing efforts to target cases and the types of patients that you would like to see more of.

Social Media Marketing

Social media is an important aspect of your online marketing campaign, as it provides the opportunity to reach patients in your area through websites that they visit and interact with frequently. Dr. Zuckerberg has unique insight into this area of marketing and can help you grow your practice with targeted analysis.

Contact Our Office

If you would like to learn more about our digital marketing consulting services, please call (347) 443-8591 or send Dr. Zuckerberg a message.

Edward Zuckerberg DDS FAGD

As a dentist himself, Dr. Edward Zuckerberg is dedicated to educating other dental professionals. He is particularly passionate about Porphyromonas Gingivalis and the impact of oral health on a person's overall health. He continues to educate the next generation of dentists through speaking engagements and publications.

Request more information on Dr. Zuckerberg's speaking engagements or learn more about his educational opportunities by contacting us online or by calling: (347) 443-8591.

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Use this messaging widget to reach Dr. Zuckerberg regarding speaking requests for your organization, to discuss your oral health company, or get more information on one of the companies Dr. Z advises.

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